How EdisonOS Helped Champ for Life Transform Passion into Purpose for Young Athletes

Discover how Champ for Life, led by Indrajit Bhalotia, used EdisonOS to provide young athletes with a comprehensive education while pursuing their sports passions, bridging the gap between academics and sports.
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Champ for Life, founded by five-time PGA champion Indrajit Bhalotia, aims to support young athletes by balancing their education with their professional sports pursuits. With EdisonOS, Champ for Life developed a customized curriculum that reduces academic pressure and focuses on nurturing students' passions. The platform enabled Champ for Life to mentor over 750 students across academies and NGOs, ensuring that each student has the opportunity to thrive both academically and athletically.

How EdisonOS Helped Champ for Life Transform Passion into Purpose for Young Athletes

Champ for Life is a dedicated sports education platform created to help young athletes balance their sports training with a structured educational framework. Founded by PGA champion Indrajit Bhalotia, the initiative was inspired by the challenges Indrajit and his son faced while balancing professional sports with academic pursuits. Champ for Life’s mission is to allow students to pursue their passion for sports while still receiving a well-rounded education that prepares them for life beyond the field.

The traditional Indian education system often prioritizes academics over other pursuits, such as sports, making it difficult for young athletes to focus on their passion without risking their educational progress. Champ for Life recognized this gap and sought to create a more balanced approach. However, raising awareness of this need and developing a curriculum that reduced academic pressure while supporting athletes’ professional goals presented significant challenges.

Key challenges faced by Champ for Life:

  • Traditional education system prioritizing academics over sports
  • Lack of support for students pursuing professional sports while studying
  • Difficulty raising awareness for a curriculum that balances education with athletic goals
Learners feel they cannot risk following their dream. This is a concept we wish to eliminate by bridging the gap.
Indrajit Bhalotia, Director & Founder, Champ for Life

To address these challenges, Champ for Life used EdisonOS to create a custom curriculum that focused on reducing academic pressure while supporting students' professional sports careers. EdisonOS provided the flexibility to design a concise curriculum that covered 10% of traditional academic content, allowing students to focus on their training without compromising their education. The platform also allowed Champ for Life to mentor students using the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) curriculum, helping students successfully pass their 10th and 12th-grade exams.

Key benefits of EdisonOS for Champ for Life:

  • Flexible curriculum development tailored to the needs of young athletes
  • Reduced academic content to allow more time for sports training
  • Seamless integration with the NIOS curriculum for academic success
  • Ability to track student progress and adjust learning paths as needed
  • Supported the mentorship of over 750 students across academies and NGOs
EdisonOS has been instrumental in helping us craft a curriculum that enables young sports persons to realize their dream and pursue their passion.
Indrajit Bhalotia, Director & Founder, Champ for Life

Since partnering with EdisonOS, Champ for Life has mentored over 250 academy students and 500 NGO students, supporting their academic and professional sports journeys. The platform has provided a solid foundation for Champ for Life’s vision of combining education with sports training. With plans to expand and reach over 50,000 students, Champ for Life is on track to become the go-to education solution for young athletes worldwide.

Key results and feedback:

  • Mentorship of 250 academy students and 500 NGO students
  • Successfully supported students through their 10th and 12th-grade exams
  • Seamless integration of academics and sports training, reducing student stress
  • Plans to expand and mentor over 50,000 students globally
We are not looking at excellence. We enable young sports persons to realize their dream and pursue their passion with obsession.
Indrajit Bhalotia, Director & Founder, Champ for Life

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