EdisonOS-The Gold Standard
for Test Prep Institutions

Leading institutions like Summit Prep and PrepExpert stand out because they leverage EdisonOS by providing unique content to their students.

They Leveraged Originality. Originality makes you the gold standard.

Upgrade to the Gold Standard Tool
Trusted by 100+ Leading Tutoring Institutions
Why Choose EdisonOS over Test Innovators?
Test Coverage & Content

Access resources vetted by Test prep Veterans

With an extensive question bank and more full-length tests, EdisonOS provides greater depth and experience in preparation. TestInnovators offers only 10 full-length tests with limited question bank size. All our high-quality questions go through a 3-step vetting process and are vetted by influential people like Patrick R Kennedy, Tina Wiles.
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Analytics & Insights

Understand Areas of Improvement better with detailed Insights

EdisonOS provides deeper insights into student performance with comprehensive analytics tools. Tutors can profile a student based on their skills, scores, time on sections, and questions, which allows them to adapt their teaching methods and templates to the student's learning style. 
Upgrade to view more deeper student insights
Platform Flexibility

Customize, White-Label and Own it!

Imagine the trust your students’ parents will have on you, when you say, you have your own practice questions and a platform to increase their child’s score to their desired “perfect score”. Wouldn’t that feel great? And that’s why great institutions like Capital Educators work with us.
Yes, upgrade to the best platform today
Social Proof

Trustworthy and Reliable Platform for many 

There is a major shift happening in the Test prep industry and tutors who found that their system is too old for the shift, changed their course to us and now they are very much delighted to have a platform that helps their students prep to get into the college of their choice. Seeing their students having the privilege of choosing between Ivy League schools is a dream come true for tutors.
Get the platform you can trust forever
Pricing & Support

No rip-offs in the name of student accounts, you only pay for the attempts!

EdisonOS provides 22 customizable full-length tests with access to 4100+ questions, while TestInnovators offers fixed full-length tests without any learning materials. Imagine repeating the same tests batch after batch, year after year—Not an effective way to enhance your students' learning curve.
Stop Overpaying, Talk to us
Test Coverage & Content
Analytics & Insights
Platform Flexibility
Social Proof
Pricing & Support

Our Advanced Reports aren’t a cheat code
they’re the whole answer key.
Watch and see why!

Why Do Institutions Choose EdisonOS?


More Practice Resources

100% more full-length tests than ScoreSmart
2x larger question bank
Ability to create custom tests and assignments

Advanced Analytics

Time analysis capabilities for targeted improvement
Skill-based performance tracking
Customizable reporting for different stakeholders

Study Plan Builder

Comprehensive teaching aids and resources
Integrated lesson planning tools
Better student progress monitoring

Cost-Effective Solution

More features are included in the base price
No hidden fees
Better ROI with a comprehensive feature set
*This comparison is based on known TestInnovators features as of February 2025.

Why Do Institutions Choose EdisonOS?

Ready to elevate your Test prep program?

We have top SAT/ACT tutors worldwide, leveraging EdisonOS for the past two years with 5-star reviews and zero churns.
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