Key Takeaways
The education sector has seen a lot of change in the last decade. From the widespread use of mobile devices to the adoption of cloud technology, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by all that’s happening.
Classroom technology is changing rapidly. Educational institutions worldwide invest in digital technology to aid student learning and engage with their audience.
EdTech Industry is expected to reach $3 trillion by 2020, which can grow even higher in the coming years.
India is no exception, but what technologies will you find emerging in the Indian education sector over the next 3-5 years?
This article looks at some trends that may shape education’s future in India and beyond.
Here are 11 EdTech trends you’ll see much more in 2025.
What’s an EdTech trend?
That’s easy. It’s whatever education innovators think up to improve learning in the future. But what about the next few years?
Innovation doesn’t happen in a vacuum — it happens because of a need to solve a problem or address an opportunity. In education, we’re seeing two significant opportunities: getting access to more effective teachers and providing personalized learning experiences for students.
Teacher effectiveness is key to improving student outcomes, but most schools have no idea how effective their teachers are at teaching. They can guess based on test scores and other measures, but that’s not enough data. And even if they do have more data, it’s often siloed and inaccessible.
The other opportunity is providing personalized learning experiences for students — giving them more control over their time and pace of study without sacrificing quality.
I think these trends will revolutionize the learning and education system forever.
1. Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a broad area with many educational uses. It can help teachers personalize learning by considering each student’s needs and abilities.
It can also be used to make better decisions, such as which students need additional attention or support.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines, in contrast to the traditional view that computers are used to imitate human intelligence. In AI research, algorithms are created to learn from data and make accurate predictions. These algorithms are often adaptive and can change over time based on new information.
AI-enabled adaptive learning – where the software automatically tailors content and activities to individual learner needs – has proven effective in helping students learn more effectively than traditional teaching methods that rely on teachers’ judgement alone.
Adaptive learning has many benefits, including:
- Increased engagement through self-paced learning.
- A better understanding of content through personalized instruction.
- Increased motivation through mastery-based learning.
- Improved retention and recall due to targeted practice.
- Reduced costs associated with student failure rates or dropping out.
However, there are challenges with AI-enabled Adaptive Learning:
Some students may feel that their privacy is being invaded if their performance data is recorded and shared with others. Some parents may feel uncomfortable about their children being targeted for extra study support in class. While some teachers may resent having their roles replaced by artificial intelligence tools, they don’t understand how challenging it can be for kids from low socioeconomic backgrounds or struggling with other issues outside school (e.g., abuse at home).
2. Tech-Enabled Immersive Learning
Immersive learning has been touted as a way to help students understand complex subjects better by assisting them to see, hear and interact with their environment in new ways. Tech-enabled immersive learning is a combination of virtual reality and augmented reality. It uses these technologies to teach students various topics, from history to the human body.
It’s an immersive experience that can help students retain more information because it keeps them engaged—the longer they stay immersed in something they’re interested in, the more likely they will remember what they learned later on.
3. E-Learning
E-learning is a method of delivering educational content to learners through electronic media. The term e-learning covers various computer-based instructional strategies, tools and applications, including online multimedia tutorials, computer-based simulations, and intelligent tutoring systems. Online social networks often facilitate E-learning.
In recent years, e-learning has been used more frequently in business environments to increase worker productivity and improve quality. In addition to traditional classroom training methods, e-learning is also being used to deliver training on college campuses via distance education technologies like web conferencing, teleconferencing, email and course management systems.
E-Learning is a new way of learning and is getting increasingly popular among people who want to learn something new.
E-Learning has many advantages:
- You can learn at your pace.
- You can learn at any time of the day or night.
- You don’t need to leave home or the office to attend classes.
- You can learn from your computer in the comfort of your home or office.
- It’s much cheaper than attending traditional classes (no driving, no parking).
4. Innovative K-12 Homeschooling Startups
K-12 homeschooling is growing in popularity and innovation. There are a lot of K-12 homeschooling startups that have emerged over the last few years, creating new ways to teach students and learn.
In India, several startups are revolutionizing the way students learn. Innovative K-12 homeschooling startups in India are making learning fun and interactive for children.
Here are the 3 most popular and unique K-12 homeschooling startups:
- Byju’s Learning App
Byju’s Learning App is a digital platform that has become one of India’s most popular educational apps. It offers students access to over 2000 courses for all ages and grades. The app also has various interactive features to make learning more engaging. Students can take lessons at home or on the go using their mobile devices and connect with their teachers through social media channels like WhatsApp and Facebook.
- Eupheus Learning
Eupheus Learning provides online resources for parents who want to teach their children at home without spending money on tutors or private schools. The website offers videos, articles, blogs, and support forums where parents can interact with other homeschooling families worldwide.
- LogicRoots
LogicRoots provides hands-on math games for kids from K to 5.
LogicRoots is a fun and interactive learning platform that helps children develop their math skills by practising math in a fun way. The online game-based learning platform offers more than 300 games and activities aligned with Common Core State Standards for Math.
LogicRoots creates a safe and supportive environment where students can learn at their own pace. The program allows teachers to track student progress, monitor behaviour and respond to individual needs. Parents can also access their child’s progress through the parent portal.
5. Accessible Education
Accessible education is one of the best ways to ensure that everyone has access to future-proofing their career, but it’s also a human right. Education is a big part of both the present and the future: without it, many individuals will be left behind in a world where jobs are changing rapidly, and tech is taking over.
It’s not just about learning new skills—it’s also about staying up to date with what’s happening around us so we can make educated decisions about how we want our lives to look. It makes no sense for someone who wants an office job but doesn’t know how computers work (or vice versa). And although some people may think they don’t need more education because they’re happy with their current career path or they think they’re too old or young for school again, those mindsets are dangerous! If you don’t educate yourself now, then fewer opportunities will be available when you’re older than if you were younger when starting fresh again.
6. Increased use of mobile applications for learning
Mobile learning is one of the most popular trends in education today. The increased use of mobile learning applications will continue to grow as teachers and students find it a great way to engage, reach and save time.
- Greater teacher support: With so many different devices, we’ve found that teachers don’t have time or resources to test all their materials on every platform. It’s time-consuming—and expensive! Using an app builder like Kapwing or Screencastify for recording your screen or taking screenshots, you can create engaging content without learning a new software program.
- More student engagement: Students are more likely to sit through longer videos if they’re entertaining enough—and when they’re watching on their phones rather than on their laptops or tablets at home (which frequently require them to pay attention), they’ll be more likely to watch as well!
7. Enhanced Virtual Reality
As you might expect, teachers and students can use virtual reality to create (and enter) virtual classrooms where they can discuss content, ask questions and engage with other learners. The technology is also being used to develop new ways of teaching mathematics and science skills, including games such as Minecraft Education Edition.
As well as using VR in their classrooms, schools are offering it as an alternative way for students living far away from school to access lessons remotely via headsets or computer screens.
8. Video conferencing solutions
Video conferencing is a great way to connect with students, and you can use it for various purposes. First, video conferencing allows you to be in the same classroom as your students. For example, if they are in another city or country and you want them to attend physical classes at your school, video conferencing is an effective way to see and interact.
Second, video conferencing can be part of an online class curriculum. In this case, students who are separated by geography would be able to learn from each other through live lectures and discussion forums hosted on dedicated platforms (such as Google Hangouts).
Thirdly, when done right, this form of EdTech can even help teachers host virtual field trips or virtual classrooms where they stay in touch with their students while they’re away from home base (like visiting another country). Additionally--and perhaps most importantly--video conference technology could lead to more effective ways of tutoring children remotely using real-time video calling services like Skype or FaceTime.
9. Automation
Automation is using machines to do things people usually have to do. It’s a form of artificial intelligence, a part of the fourth industrial revolution happening right now. Automation can occur in various ways—for example, using Powerpoint presentations instead of teachers using a whiteboard or using pdfs instead of textbooks.
10. Gamification
Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics to engage and motivate people to learn. It’s been used in education since the 1980s. It has become more prevalent recently as more educators have realized that learning systems can be designed better based on how video games work.
The concept is simple: Gamification involves adding game elements into learning environments to help students learn better, retain information longer, or motivate them to continue working toward their goals. For example, instead of giving a student a paper certificate for completing an assignment or participating in class activities (i.e., extrinsic motivation), you could reward them with points that could be redeemed for treats later on (i.e., intrinsic motivation).
11. Personalized learning solutions
Personalized learning solutions are a new way of learning. They are based on the student’s needs, interests, and learning style.
As a teacher or administrator, you can use personalized learning solutions to:
- Meet the needs of each student;
- Engage students in meaningful activities that are relevant to them; and
- Enable students to build knowledge which is appropriate for their age level.
EdisonOS Everything
EdisonOS is a software that enables teachers to provide personalized feedback, further improving student-teacher interactions. It also offers a simple, intuitive and innovative platform for students and teachers to access, engage and learn anytime, anywhere.
EdisonOS uses modern technology to enable continuous engagement between the learner and teacher and offer a personalized learning experience. This helps provide a better quality education because each student receives individualized attention from their teachers and access to various resources like videos or articles, etc., based on their requirements.
EdTech can keep transforming even in the absence of a pandemic.
EdTech is a booming industry; there’s no reason to think it will disappear soon. If you’re considering investing in EdTech or making an EdTech career choice, now is probably the best time.
Another point of interest is the future of the Indian EdTech sector. India’s EdTech market was valued at $2 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20% between 2021 and 2023, making it one of the fastest-growing markets globally.
The country has its problems—funding for startups can be hard to come by, especially when you need capital on the scale required to put your product in classrooms around the country. But if we were betting on EdTech trends for 2022/23, we’d put our money firmly on India as one of them (alongside AI and IoT).
EdTech can keep transforming even in the absence of a pandemic. There are plenty of other ways for educators and learners to benefit from technology, including:
- Allowing students to learn at their own pace while also providing them with opportunities for collaboration with peers and teachers.
- Helping teachers create differentiated learning paths that cater to each student’s needs.
- Enabling assessments based on real-world skills rather than memorization or multiple choice questions.
- Provide personalized feedback based on past results, so students know what areas they need extra practice before moving forward with lessons.
- Serves as a platform for collaboration between instructors from around the world who share their expertise through blogs, videos and other forms of media
As we’ve seen, EdTech is already transforming the world of education. But it can keep doing so even without a major catastrophe. As technology advances and becomes more accessible, new approaches to learning will continue to emerge; with them will come new opportunities for children from all backgrounds around the globe.